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Amanda Tero: The Secret Slipper- A Blog Tour and Interview with the Author

I met Amanda Tero almost a year ago at a Writer’s Guild meeting, and it has been a joy getting to know her through social media. So, when she was looking for blogs to be added to her blog tour, I was glad to help her out.  The following is about her newest release The Secret Slipper.  I know that you will find her as much of a joy as I have. Be sure to enter the giveway close to the end of the post!


About the Book

Being a cripple is only the beginning of Lia’s troubles. It seems as if Bioti’s goal in life is to make Lia as miserable as possible. If Lia’s purpose is to be a slave, then why did God make her a cripple? How can He make something beautiful out of her deformity?


Raoul never questioned the death of his daughter until someone reports her whereabouts. If Ellia is still alive, how has she survived these ten years with her deformity? When Raoul doesn’t know who to trust, can he trust God to keep Ellia safe when evidence reveals Bioti’s dangerous character?


As time brings more hindrances, will Raoul find Ellia, or will she forever be lost to the father she doesn’t even know is searching for her?


An Interview with the Author

I didn’t know if I would have time to read the book before this blog post, so I agreed to interview Amanda via email. The following is the transcript of the interview. I’m glad I did the interview. You can really see her heart, and see a little of her personality shine through.

How did you get started as a writer?

I started as a kid just scratching down little stories. I think the first one I wrote was written stage-play style. From there, I realized that it was something I not only enjoyed, I just couldn’t silence.


Who is your biggest influence?

I would have to say my mom. There are many authors that I look up to and that have shaped who I am as a writer, but my mom has put hours into editing my writing from highschool and up. She has been there to encourage me and point me into the right direction. So even though she’s not a writer herself, she has definitely been my biggest influencer.


What is your goal as a writer?

In short, my goal is to glorify God and provide well-crafted books.


What’s the one thing people might be surprised to know about you?

Hmm…most people assume that I’m primarily an author, but that is actually one of my lesser businesses/hobbies. Primarily, I’m a music teacher (at the time of writing this I have about 30 piano/violin students), music arranger and publisher (, and our family sings together. So…I guess you’d say music is more of my life than writing. 😉

If you could pick one lesson that you have learned as a writer, what would that lesson be?

Work is hard, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Even on the hardest days, God is still there to help and sustain me, and especially during the hard times, He has some lessons for me to learn.

What else would you like the readers to know about you or your writing?

The main thing I want readers to know about my writing is that it is clean, Christian, and safe. With so much out there that makes a Christian reader cringe, my goal is to not push the limits on “what is acceptable” but to provide that which will edify the reader and, Lord willing, draw them closer to God.

If you could only pick one food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?

Chocolate! That is a food, right????



U.S. Giveaway click here

International Giveaway here


Purchase the Secret Slipper Here


Get the First in the Series “Befriending the Beast” here-




A little more about Amanda Tero here-

Amanda Tero is a homeschool graduate who desires to provide God-honoring, family-friendly reading material. She has enjoyed writing since before ten years old, but it has only been since 2013 that she began seriously pursuing writing again – starting with some short stories that she wrote for her sisters as a gift. Her mom encouraged her to try selling the stories she published, and since then, she has begun actively writing short stories, novellas, and novels. If something she has written draws an individual into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, it is worth it!


“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)


Connect with Amanda










4 thoughts on “Amanda Tero: The Secret Slipper- A Blog Tour and Interview with the Author

  1. Good questions! I’ve been following Amanda for quite a while, and I learned some new things. =) You have a very pleasant blogging ‘voice’. =)

    ~Liberty Bluebelle

    “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” II Corinthians 3:17

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